What is FARMly about ?

What is FARMly about ?

Learn what FARMly is about and the reasons to direct trade!!!
If you are wondering what is FAMRly about, we are here to make that clear for you. We are passionate coffee lovers who dreams on spreading the most special coffees around the world, reducing the distance between the crop and the cup.
FARMly is a digital platform that makes the specialty coffee distribution chain more human, simple and profitable for everyone. After all, our mission is to connect coffee farmers, roasters, and coffee lovers around the world as a family, that’s why Farm-ly got it? Clever isn’t it?

But anyways, what does it mean when we talk about direct trade. Direct means without intervening factors or intermediaries, and trade is the act of buying and selling services. But direct trade represents far more than just its dictionary definition. It’s used to suggest quality, sustainability, and fairer prices for the producers.
Generally speaking direct trade views the model as one of mutually-beneficial and transparent trade relationships.
We talked a little about how direct trade can be beneficial, but let’s break it down a little. Here are some benefits of having direct trade when it comes to the coffee chain industry:
• Transparency
A stronger relationship helps buyers and producers to communicate better, suggest quality improvements, and better understand the costs of production and exporting.
• More Investment
With both parts able to invest in the product, they are also inclined to invest their time, effort, and expertise to both produce better coffee and better socioeconomic conditions.
• Logistics
Logistics can be a tricky concept when you are direct trading. One benefit of having someone managing the direct trade for you is an easier chain of logistics due to the intimacy between the parties. It does not require you to learn more about the processes of trading, because someone else will be doing that for you. Logistics on direct trading if done right, will be beneficial for both producers and roasters.
• Traceability
Third wave coffee culture is all about understanding a coffee’s origin and its impact on the cup – and direct trade makes it even easier for consumers to hear producers’ words and know about their hard work.
• Trustworthy Relationship
Trust that someone will buy the coffee can give producers the security to invest in improved infrastructure and processes – and greater insight into current market trends can indicate the most profitable areas to focus on.
Roasters do direct trade because it is more transparent and they know it is causing an impact, and without it those who generates more value in the chain, are the ones who receives less.
That is one of the reasons why FAMRly causes such an impact by doing direct trading.
If you are interested in knowing more about FARMly, you get get in touch with us by e-mail and we will be happy to make all of our process clear for you.
We have the dream of making a structural change on the way we commercialize specialty coffees, making the producer earn more money and therefore keep having coffee growing in their life as a priority also to ensure better quality of the grain. That is why our values are quality, people, sustainability and this is what FARMly is about.
Have more traceability over your coffee and keep generating impact on people’s lives.

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