Lecture by FARMly: from prices increasing to new fermented coffees.

Lecture by FARMly: from prices increasing to new fermented coffees.

This week FARMly is pleased to release a lecture given on the coffee market from a South American and global perspective. Our partners The Miners were the hosts of this event.

We started the talk with the current coffee market, the C-MARKET as we call it, still with uncertain predictions for the future in 2022. But what do we have to say about driving up prices?
The top 3 causes are: Frosts, Climate and Logistics.

The logistics world as we can say is constantly adapting and changing since the large number of exports during the pandemic, which generates instability in prices and shipping availability. Due to numerous climatic, social and pandemic factors, entire blooms may be lost and not used as they should be. Brazilian producers are worried about the consequences in the process of sorting when only 70% to 80% of the coffee would be in the right standards. 

From the producer’s point of view there is still the increase in costs within the farm, such as the almost 50% increase in the price of fertilizers and other essential materials for cultivation.

And what about the positive future?

In this lecture we present a region that stands out in Brazil: São Sebastião do Anta. 
A Brazilian region in the state of Minas Gerais, located in the Rio Doce Valley, known for producing a lot of high quality coffee on small farms.

The bets for the future are the amazing fermented coffees that are being grown at less than 900m above sea level in this Brazilian region, which we cupped and were a success!
In a time of uncertainty and possible losses, being open to new types of fermented coffees is essential. 

FARMly is available for seminars, events, and meetings related to specialty coffee, roasting, coffee business and c-market. Contact us to learn more!

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