Cup color, shape, and texture affect perceptions of coffee

The cupping experience goes far beyond tasting the coffee, it
depends on an infinite of factors, there are the obvious ones as the process
to produce the grain, the roasting, and others. But there are others that
They are usually even ignored, like the cup you drink the coffee from.
Many people know that the cup in which we taste the wine can change
his perception about it and the same can be said about coffee.

Three experiments were carried out in Brazil, led by a study
by USP and Oxford University in the United Kingdom, with the aim of
to show how the shape, color, and texture of the cup can change
your perception of specialty coffee

-> Cup Shape Study
The first experiment involved 276 participants, including
professional tasters and consumers without any training.
The participants tasted the coffee in three different cups, format
tulip, open, and with separation. The professionals and amateurs found
the most intense aroma in the tulip-shaped cup, while sweetness and
acidity were more intense in the glass with separation.
The professional tasters preferred to taste the coffee in the cup with
separation, while normal consumers preferred the tulip cup.
These results showed, for the first time, that the format of the cup
affects your perception of special coffee.

-> Cup Color Study
This experiment consisted of serving two types of coffee for 457
participants in pink, yellow, green, or white mugs, all
The participants first noted their expectations regarding
sweetness and acidity of the coffees.
Studies have shown that the color of the coffee has greatly influenced the expectation
of participants. For example, the people who took in the pink cup
expected a much sweeter coffee than it really was, it did with
that this person’s experience was not good and they liked it less
of coffee

-> Cup Texture Study
In this experiment, 231 people participated.
In Russia, the perception of the completion and the body of coffee changed when
the consumer would pass his hand in sandpaper while drinking the coffee
In this experience, all the participants found the coffee more acidic when
taken in the textured cup and sweeter in the smooth cup. They also
found the finish drier when they drank from the cup textured.


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