COVID-19 and the specialty coffee market

COVID-19 and the specialty coffee market

We are going through difficult times and within the various impacts of this pandemic. In this post, I would like to highlight the relation between COVID-19 and the specialty coffee market.

During the year, several specialty coffee roasters from around the world travel to the most varied origins during the harvest, to meet producers and, mainly, to taste, select and purchase the beans that will be roasted and consumed in the main consumer markets.

Direct trade is increasingly popular as it allows the roaster to get to know the producer, his history and the coffee production process that will be offered to his customers.

Negotiating directly with the producer helps to establish a relationship of trust in the specialty coffee chain and allows the roaster to offer his customer microlots and exclusive experiences.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic is threatening the direct trade in 2020, preventing roasters from traveling the world and therefore visiting producers.

How will coffee lovers be when this crisis passes ends? Will they lose this wonderful consumption experience?

The answer lies in technology. The same that is capable of narrowing distances in the world and allowing interactions between people, as if they were meeting in person, can put roasters and producers in close contact and, thus, not only be an alternative in times of travel limitations caused by coronavirus pandemic, how to strengthen direct trade and make it accessible to roasters of all sizes.

If you can’t visit Brazil during this year and you would like some help to find the best beans contact us through email, we are also able to take care of all the exportation, importation and logistics, making it easier for you to Direct Trade.

This is a complementary post to our Instagram post “COVID-19 and the specialty coffee market”; maybe you will also enjoy one of our other posts

written by Adriano Salvi

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