Coffee or industrialized energy drinks?

Coffee or industrialized energy drinks?

Lots of people reach coffee because of its energy boost effect. We know that there’s a lot of others types of energy drink which can cause similar effect. But, the question is: Which one has more caffeine? Which one is healthier? Which one has more calories? Let’s see:

It is a chemical compound present in coffee and energy drinks. Caffeine effects include increased wakefulness and alertness, provide a feeling of well-being and decreased fatigue.

In our body caffeine is absorbed and reaches the bloodstream after between 40 minutes to 2 hours of consumption. In terms of quantity we have the following analysis:

  • On average – a cup of coffee contains (90 – 205) milligrams of caffeine;
  • On avarage, an energy drink (250 ml) contains 80 milligrams of caffeine;

Coffee is composed of antioxidants, for other hand, energy drinks has more sugar and sodium. Besides that, when we talk on industrialized products it means that contain a lot of preservatives, affecting human health.

This analysis is more complex. Considering only coffee, without sugar addition, energy drinks certainly contain more calories.

Is there still any doubt? Drink coffee, work hard and be happy.


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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Luiza

    I love redbull but coffee is much better and healthier.

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