Coffee cupping – Basics

Coffee cupping – Basics

Here we are going to show you the basics of coffee cupping, that everyone should know.

Everyone has heard about wine tasting, right? The one in which experts sensorially evaluate the product considering a series of criteria. Lots of people don’t know yet, but there is the same process for coffee. There have been more and more constant cupping sessions in which coffees from various regions of the world are tasted and have their quality and sensory aspects attested.

Cupping is the process of tasting coffee. It is the method by which experts determine the quality of coffee based on taste and smell. Some basic rules are usually followed during a cupping session:

1) Samples of the coffees to be evaluated should be subjected to standard roasting and grinding;

2) The proportion should receive 10% of powder and 90% of boiling water, which means around 90ºC;

3) Coffee is tasted in a specific spoon with a mini-shell shape;

4) The taster should stir 3 or 4 times the brewed coffee, so that the dust that is deposited on the surface of the cup is removed;

5) At the time of tasting, the taster should ingest the coffee by suction promoting an air intake in the mouth that contributes to a better sensory perception;

6) Spread well the coffee throughout the inside of the mouth. The taster then analyzes body, acidity, sweetness, among other characteristics;

7) Finally, evaluate the coffee and score it according to the standard set forth in the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) forms.

It is important that these sessions become increasingly democratized so that citizens who do not yet know about specialty coffees can attend and understand what quality coffee is. Coffee is culture.

These are the basics of coffee cupping. Visit our Blog to learn more tips about specialty coffee . You can find more content like that on our instagram.

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