The Definitive Guide for Your Business to Succeed at World of Coffee Athens

The Definitive Guide for Your Business to Succeed at World of Coffee Athens

If you are a coffee enthusiast, you can’t miss the opportunity to attend the exciting World of Coffee Athens fair. This unmissable event brings together the best in the industry and offers a unique experience to explore, learn, and be inspired by the world of coffee. To ensure that you make the most of this special occasion, we have put together six valuable suggestions in this blog that will help you get the most out of the fair.

By following these suggestions, you will be well prepared to make the most of the fair. Discover the latest trends, expand your network, and enjoy a memorable experience in the world of coffee.

Get ready for a complete immersion in this passionate universe!

6 Valuable Tips to Make the Most of World of Coffee Athens

1 – Create a Visiting Plan

Doing detailed research about the fair, its exhibitors, and special events will help you direct your activities and maximize your time during the event.

  • Research the show:

First of all, it is essential to conduct detailed research about the World of Coffee Athens. Go to the event’s official website and explore all the available information, such as the list of exhibitors, the schedule of events, and the opening hours.

Read carefully about the exhibitors that will be present and identify those that are of interest to you, such as coffee producers, roasting companies, equipment manufacturers, or accessory suppliers. Be sure to check for lectures, workshops or special sessions related to your specific interests in the coffee world. Make a note of the times and locations to ensure that you don’t miss these opportunities.

Set up meetings with your team:

Before you go to the trade show, think about your goals and what you hope to achieve with your participation. It could be to expand your network, discover new products, or learn about industry trends. Based on these goals, make a list of the exhibitors and events you don’t want to miss. Prioritize them to ensure that you can visit those most relevant to your goals.

For this reason, it is essential to organize meetings with your team before and after the fair. In these meetings, define the strategies that will be used to achieve your goals and then evaluate their performance.

It is also very important that you define your main objective at the fair and that you make it clear at your booth, so you can direct people to the action you need them to perform, like registering, for example.

  • Make a visit plan:

Based on your research and established objectives, create a detailed visit plan. Organize the exhibitors you want to visit in order of priority, taking into account the location of their booths at the event.

Check the trade show map, if available, to make it easier for you to navigate and save time during your visit. Identify the key points you want to visit first. Also, plan enough time to explore specific areas, such as the tasting area, the equipment section, or the booths of coffee producers from a particular region.

  • Schedule previous meetings:

Based on the list of exhibitors, contact them before the event to schedule advance meetings. This can be done by e-mail or through the contact platforms available on the show’s website. Let them know you are interested in their products or services and request a meeting during the show.

Establishing previous contact can also be done through social networks, by following the pages and social profiles of the exhibitors you are interested in. Interact with their posts, leave relevant comments, or share coffee-related content. If possible, send a polite and brief message to start a conversation. Tell them about your visit to the fair and your intention to learn more about their products or services.

  • Keep in touch:

After establishing previous contact with exhibitors, be sure to keep in touch before and during the show. If you have received responses or meeting confirmations, send a brief email or message a few days before the show to confirm the details and confirm your interest in meeting in person.

During the show, reach out to exhibitors with whom you have previously made contact and let them know that you are the contact they have previously spoken to. This will help establish a more personal connection and make it easier to continue the conversation.

Prepare a program to present to the visitors at the World of Coffee Athens:

Before you go to the fair, make sure you bring up-to-date information about your company or project. Have enough business cards with your contact information and a brief description of your business. Consider bringing a folder or a notebook to record important information during the fair, such as product details or contacts of interest.

Also, prepare a schedule of what will be presented to visitors each day. That way you can create a broadcast list and leave the invitation clear and open to them at your booth, so you can send the schedule as an invitation to attend.

Advance planning is key to getting the most out of the World of Coffee fair. By following the tips presented in this article, you will be able to be more strategic in your approach, prioritizing the most relevant activities and optimizing your time during the event. In addition, being prepared and organized contributes to a more productive and enriching experience. So, seize the opportunity and enjoy all that the World of Coffee has to offer!

2 – Attend Relevant Events and Lectures at the World of Coffee Athens

Attending relevant events and lectures is a great way to expand your knowledge, learn from experts, and stay up-to-date on industry trends.

  • Analyze the event program:

Before anything else, take the time to review the program of events and talks made available by the fair. These programs usually include educational sessions, panel discussions, demonstrations, and workshops.

Make a list of the events that are most relevant to your interests and goals. Give priority to lectures that address specific topics of interest to you or feature renowned speakers in the coffee industry.

  • Plan your agenda:

When you identify the events you want to attend, plan your schedule strategically. Check the times and locations of lectures and events and organize your visit to exhibitors’ booths around these commitments.

Make sure you leave enough time to move between the different areas and avoid scheduling conflicts.

  • Be prepared to take notes:

During lectures and events, be prepared to take notes.

Bring a notebook or electronic device to write down important information, insights, and ideas that come up during the presentations. Record key points, interesting concepts, practical tips, and references mentioned by the speakers. These notes will be valuable for later review and application of the knowledge gained.

  • Participate actively:

During lectures and events, be active and engaged. Raise relevant questions and participate in discussions where appropriate.

Share your own experiences and perspectives related to the topic at hand. This will enrich the exchange of ideas and build connections with the speakers and other attendees.

  • Connect with speakers and attendees:

Take advantage of opportunities to interact with the speakers and other attendees after the talks and events.

Approach speakers directly if you have additional questions or wish to extend the discussion. Participate in post-speech discussion groups. Also, don’t hesitate to connect with other participants who share similar interests.

Chat, exchange business cards, or connect on social media to expand your professional network and create lasting relationships.

Actively participating in events and lectures at the fair provides the opportunity to gain specialized knowledge, learn from industry professionals, and expand your network. These experiences can inspire new ideas and insights applicable to your own work or coffee-related business. So be prepared, participate actively, and make the most of these valuable opportunities during the fair.

3 – Bring Your Networking Material

Have a customized QR Code

Take advantage of networking opportunities to meet new people and make professional connections. Have a short, interesting speech about yourself and your company, and show genuine interest in others’ stories.

  • Have your networking materials ready:

Before you head to the trade show, make sure you are prepared with your networking materials. This includes up-to-date business cards with your professional contact information, as well as any relevant promotional material you want to share, such as brochures or samples of your work.

Therefore, it is essential that you have clear ways to get in touch.

What we suggest is that you have a QR Code that gives access to your networks, such as Whatsapp, so the people you connect with can send you a message directly and you ensure that there is an open channel of communication. Also, an interesting way to make your impression at the event is to choose an eye-catching item that everyone on your team can wear, such as a cap or a shirt. That way, whenever this item is seen, people will associate it with your company.

For this, it is fundamental that your visual identity is clear and efficient, and that it is present in the same way in all your platforms, since this is how people will identify you.

Prepare a playbook:

Prepare a brief presentation about yourself and your area of expertise in the coffee industry. Highlight your key coffee-related accomplishments, skills, and interests. Practice this presentation so that you can convey it clearly and concisely during your interactions at the fair.

It is also essential that you develop a playbook together with your team, as this ensures that everyone has the same speech and that it is adaptable for different personas.

In the initial moments, remember to have qualifying questions so that you can understand your visitor’s needs and how to best adjust your speech based on them.

  • Be proactive in your approach:

Don’t wait for others to approach you. Be willing to start conversations and approach others in a polite and cordial manner. Make a brief introduction mentioning your name and area of expertise, and try to make a relevant connection to the person or booth you are interested in.

  • Ask questions and show genuine interest:

During networking interactions, ask open-ended questions and show genuine interest in the people you are talking to. Ask about their areas of expertise, recent projects, or opinions on relevant topics.

This not only shows interest but also helps establish meaningful and lasting conversations.

Take notes efficiently:

Focus on actively listening to what other people have to say during conversations. Ask follow-up questions based on what they share and show genuine interest in their stories and experiences.

Take brief notes after conversations to remember important details such as names, contact information, and relevant talking points.

To make this process easier, you can create a group that has just you and send audio right after the conversation with the people you met, so you record who they are, via a photo of their business cards, what was commented on, and when to contact them again.

  • Follow up:

After interacting with someone, follow up appropriately. Send a thank you email for the conversation, share additional information, or make connections on social media.

Keep in touch with the new contacts you made during the fair, looking for opportunities to collaborate or share knowledge in the future.

4 – Attend Tastings and Demonstrations

World of Coffee Athens usually offers tastings of different coffee varieties, preparation methods, and roasting profiles.
In addition to tastings, many exhibitors perform demonstrations of coffee brewing methods, such as Aeropress, Chemex, V60, and others. Attend these demonstrations to learn techniques and tips from experts.

  • Identify the tastings and demonstrations:

Before the fair, take the time to check the schedule and program of events.

Identify the tastings and demonstrations that most appeal to you and are relevant to your interests and goals. Look for sessions that cover different types of coffee, preparation workshops, or advanced techniques.

  • Plan your schedule:

Arrange your schedule accordingly to ensure that you have time to attend the selected tastings and demonstrations. Check session times and locations and arrive early to ensure a prime spot and make the most of the experience.

  • Be open to learning:

During the tastings and demonstrations, remain receptive and open to learning. Pay attention to information shared by the experts, tasting tips, preparation techniques, and industry trends. This is a valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge and hone your skills.

  • Interact with the experts:

Take the opportunity to interact with the experts conducting the tastings and demonstrations. Ask questions, share your own experiences, and absorb their knowledge.

They are there to share insights and expertise, so be sure to make the most of this interaction.

  • Try different coffees and brewing methods:

During tastings, allow yourself to experiment with different types of coffee and brewing methods. Explore the various flavor profiles, nuances, and unique characteristics of each coffee. Also, observe how different preparation methods influence the final result in the cup. This experience will help you expand your palate, understand your personal preferences, and discover new varieties and techniques that can enrich your coffee journey.

Record your observations through our app:

During tastings, make notes of your impressions of the coffees you try. Record the flavors, aromas, acidity, body, and other characteristics that catch your attention. These notes will be useful for remembering which coffees you liked best, comparing your experiences, and discovering your personal preferences.

Take the opportunity to visit the FARMly booth and learn more about the new tasting app we have developed. With our app, you can record all your observations about the coffees you taste for free!

5 – Follow the competitions and championships at World of Coffee Athens

World of Coffee is known for hosting barista competitions and coffee championships, such as the World Barista Championship, the World Latte Art Championship, and others. Attend these competitions to see the best professionals in action and learn from their skills. In addition to the competitions, some baristas and experts give presentations and workshops during the fair. Check the schedule to make sure you don’t miss these learning opportunities.

  • Identify the competitions and championships:

Before you go to the fair, check the schedule of events and programs to identify the competitions and championships that will be held during the event.

Some of the most popular competitions in the coffee industry include the World Barista Championship, World Latte Art Championship, and World Brewers Cup. Identify which ones are relevant to your interests and goals.

  • Learn from the competitors:

During the competitions, you will have the opportunity to observe top industry professionals in action.
Observe their techniques, skills, creativity, and professionalism. Pay attention to the details and dedication they show in their presentations.

  • Take part in the interactive activities:

In addition to watching the competitions, there are often interactive activities related to the championships that you can participate in.
These can include workshops, tasting sessions, hands-on demonstrations, or even the opportunity to try out your own skills in a friendly competition.

Following the competitions and championships during World Of Coffee Athens is an exciting way to engage with the coffee community, learn from the industry’s top professionals, and be inspired to improve your own skills. Take this opportunity to absorb knowledge, expand your professional network, and engage with the passion and dedication that the competitors show.

6 – Be Aware of Trends and Innovations at the World Of Coffee Athens

The event is a place where you can discover the latest trends and innovations in the coffee industry.

Keep an eye out for new brewing methods, roasting technologies, sustainable packaging, single-origin coffee, and other novelties. Visit the booths of emerging companies and startups that can present innovative solutions for the coffee market. Also, chat with representatives to gain insights into future trends and how they may impact the industry.

  • Stay up to date with the latest trends:

Before you head to the fair, do some research on current trends in the coffee industry. This includes new brewing methods, technologies, hot flavors, sustainable practices and more.

Be aware of changes in the market and in consumer preferences. This will help you better identify and understand trends that may be being discussed and presented at the show.

  • Watch for product launches:

Be on the lookout for new product launches during World of Coffee Athens. Companies often take advantage of the event to present their latest innovations and products to the market.

FARMly, for example, will introduce a new feature of our platform: a chat that connects producers and roasters directly!

Stop by the exhibitor booths and keep an eye out for any significant launches or announcements. This could include new equipment, coffee blends, brewing methods, or related products.

  • Attend trend sessions and lectures:

Check the event schedule and attend sessions and talks that address trends and innovations in the coffee industry.
These sessions may include panel discussions with experts, market research presentations, and insights into the future of the coffee industry. Keep an eye out for these learning and networking opportunities.

Staying on top of trends and innovations during the fair will allow you to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in the coffee industry, identify opportunities for growth, and stay inspired. Take the opportunity to learn from experts, explore new products and ideas, and expand your view of the coffee world.

The World of Coffee Athens fair is an exciting event full of opportunities for coffee enthusiasts. By following the tips presented in this blog, you can make the most of this unique experience.

Explore the booths, attend tastings and demonstrations, follow the competitions, keep an eye out for trends and innovations. Remember to take every moment to learn, connect with experts, and expand your knowledge and palate. Take this opportunity to be inspired, discover new flavors, and make valuable connections.

May your visit to the fair be filled with memorable and enriching moments. We look forward to seeing you.

Coffee lovers, join us and enjoy this delightful journey through the world of coffee!

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