FARMly’s Christmas Tale: coffee creates bonds

FARMly’s Christmas Tale: coffee creates bonds

It is almost Christmas and we have come to tell a story. Grab your coffee and come closer to understand how coffee is a true Christmas miracle.

Connection is one of the most important things in the world. After facing a terrible pandemic, we all know the importance of touch, of face to face, of true connection. 2021 started full of uncertainties, without knowing for sure how life would be, but we had miracles that are sometimes difficult to explain, like today’s story.

At FARMly we have always emphasized a relationship between the producer and the roaster, but even we didn’t imagine that this would reach the next level.

At the beginning of November, with or without the help of Santa Claus, our partners from Coffee And Coconuts traveled more than 10,000km from Amsterdam to Minas Gerais, Brazil. Yes, they came to fulfill a dream of producers and of everyone who works at FARMly: to turn the connection into something totally real.

Lucas Fenz, friend and coffee producer of FARMly warmly welcomed our guests on his farm with everything ready for a nice cupping of coffees selected by the FARMly experts. The favorite was an anaerobic fermentation coffee that impressed everyone – and leaves us wanting just to remember!
After this, Lucas accompanied us on a plantation tour that thrilled all those who were there. Our final consumer was right there, at the heart of where the whole coffee chain works, right next to the people behind it.

Our next stop in the story is the farm of another great friend of FARMly, Clayton, who gave us a tour of 3 nearby farms, exceeding all expectations! It was like a reunion of friends who had not seen each other for a long time.
The conversation was not restricted to coffee, the producers told them about life on the farm, about social projects, family, and quality of work, all around a table, sipping good coffees and enjoying the Brazilian cuisine. At that moment, we were all at home.

The farewell is the hardest part, but it is what makes us sure that the moments lived were good ones. Saying goodbye to that single day that transformed so many lives left us with a tightness in our hearts, but what we take from it is much greater than our homesickness.

This brief story tells us that coffee is a true miracle. Coffee unites us with different people, brings us closer, and makes us feel like old friends. FARMly is proud to be part of these stories, of each one, and of the coffee market in general.
May 2022 bring us more miracles, trips, and connections like this one.

Thank you, Lucas, Clayton, and Coffee and Coconuts.

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